Application Software Development for hybrid transmission controller

Application Software Development for hybrid transmission controller

Customer Request

For a hybrid automotive transmission control project, the customer requests support in the software development. Several features shall be added, the behavior in various situations shall be improved, bugs shall be fixed.

Kenotom Solution

The initial team of two people visits the customer for a period of three weeks. A basic introduction in the project, the tools and the processes is performed. Within a short period of time the people are able to work independently from our premises. New engineers added to the team are trained inhouse. The team ramps up to 8 people in a period of 4 months. Despite the advanced state of the project, the people manage to quickly adapt to the very strict processes of the automotive sector. Not only do the successfully develop and implement the necessary tasks, but Unit Tests, HiL Tests, Issue management and reporting are done in complete accordance to the customer requests and processes. The KENOTOM team integrates completely in the customers team taking part into the regular team meetings.

Tools & Technologies Used









Sections Covered