Electronics Design & Development
Embedded systems typically include custom-designed hardware and software, which needs to be developed in parallel. KENOTOM provides a wide range of Electronic design and Development services. Our electronic hardware engineers are experienced in designing custom Printed Circuit Boards. From Schematics to optimized Layout design in order to achieve the best trade-off between functionality and product cost according to customer needs.
Services provided
- Design and development of customer specific Printed Circuit Boards
- In detail circuit simulation
- Worst case analysis
- In-house prototyping with small scale assembly
- Orcad PSpice®
- Altium Designer® and Cadence Allegro®
Component engineering
- Global component and IC evaluation and sourcing
- Basic Software Development
- Requirements Engineering
- Electronics Design & Development
- Software Architecture
- Unit and Component Tests and Testautomation
- Function Software Development for ECUs
- MiL/SIL/HiL Testing and Testautomation
- Systems Modelling for HiL/SiL/MiL
- Hardware-in-the-Loop Systems Design, Setup and Commissioning
- Control and Automation of Testbenches